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We were established in 2016.

Started operation in March 2017

In 2018, we passed ISO quality management system certification, and obtained the National high-tech enterprise certification, Xiamen New material enterprise, Member of Xiamen New Technology Development Association, and our sales revenue exceeded 30 million yuan.

In 2019, we obtained the title of Fujian Provincial science and technology giants leading enterprise, accomplished the scientific and technological achievements transformation, and realized the sales revenue over 50 million yuan.

In 2020, we passed the assessment of Information and Industrialization integration and realized the informational management. And our sales revenue exceeded 60 million yuan.

In 2022, we won the title of National Specialized Professional Special and New Enterprise, and participated in the National Competitions and Star of Egret of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competitions and won the third prize, and our sales revenue exceeded 100 million yuan.

In 2022, we passed ITF16949:2016 quality management system certification.